Monday 15 July 2019

Choose Life

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose fast food and chain shops and identikit high streets. Choose cheap air travel. Choose energy from the grid. Choose exotic food. Choose cars. Choose a souped up exhaust. Choose concreting your driveway, your towns, your gardens. Choose motorway traffic. Choose pollution. Choose lung disease, pulmonary hypertension, depression. Choose criticism. Choose uptightness. Choose lack of imagination. Choose plastic. Choose disposable packaging, bottles, bags, and electric fans. Choose portable gas heaters. Choose your friends. Choose extra napkins. Choose your towels washed every day. Choose meat. Choose taking more than your share. Choose doing it like everyone. Choose cheap fashion. Choose treating the planet like a dustbin. Choose running the tap. Choose multiple showers. Choose timings. Choose waste. Choose closing your fucking eyes. Choose irresponsibility. Choose blame culture. Choose passing the buck. Choose moaning. Choose drinking so much to forget it all and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose money. Choose amassing excess wealth in property. Choose poverty. Choose drugs. Choose not being able to afford a fucking meal. Choose cruise ships. Choose exocoriating those in power. Choose anger. Choose machismo. Choose individualism, defensiveness, and populist rhetoric. Choose the same for your kids. Choose TV. Choose soap operas. Choose binge watching. Choose a laptop and emojis and firing off fucking emails. Choose picking up your phone every two minutes. Choose battery life. Choose power consumption. Choose bitching. Choose convenience. Choose the cheapest option or your money back. Choose suing the arse off someone. Choose lawsuits. Choose immortality. Choose another planet to wreck. Choose expression. Choose carbon. Choose your environment. Choose your mind.
Choose your future.
Choose life.

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